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The Final Straw by Ted Tayler

The Final Straw - Ted Tayler
Which did you find more appealing, the introduction or the conclusion? The conclusion. It was unexpected and at the same time intriguing. The complicated characters have their layers peeled off and readers are able to see them bare trying to cope with their respective losses. Colin and Karen are trying to cope with the death of their daughter and Sue is ‘celebrating’ the death of her husband, Eric. 

Why would you recommend or not recommend this book? I would highly recommend this book for anyone who is looking to read a mystery or suspense book. The characters are vivid and it was well-written, both ingredients for a fantastic read. 

Did the plot pull you in or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book? The Final Straw pulled me in and was great from the beginning. Despite Colin’s actions, I believe that this book touches real life issues of loss, dying and a sense of purpose. 

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.
Source: http://brainyreads.blogspot.com

Be Careful What You Wish For (Saga of the New Gods, #1)

Be Careful What You Wish For - Daniel  Black Does the setting fit the plot? In most parts of the story, the setting was perfect and it sucks readers in. I especially liked the shop where Michelle buys the ring from. It gave me goosebumps because you know something isn't right.

What motivates a given character’s actions? The characters weren't unethical or illogical, this was after all story based on a wish that a video game will become reality. However, the characters were motivated by a physical attraction and that is putting it mildly. The over reliance on this element of the story is the only thing that kept me from giving it 5 stars.

What did you think of the writing style? Some of the writing was long-winded. What can be said in one sentence, the author uses five. But I liked the overall tone and style of the story. Even the most violent of characters had some connection with readers.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.

A 3rd Time To Die

A 3rd Time to Die - George Bernstein Which did you find more appealing, the introduction or the conclusion? The conclusion. I didn't expect it and the build up to the ending was fantastic. Every page has you wondering what is going to happen next and the ending offered was a combination of awe and satisfaction for this reader.

Why would you recommend or not recommend this book? This is the second book I am reading by this author and he definitely knows how to create a unique reading experience. I would recommend this book simply for the way he has taken a concept not many people know about and created a love story that is refreshing and admirable.

Did the book description relate to the story? It did and offered just enough information so the reader stays intrigued throughout the book. This book held my attention from the beginning and I couldn't wait to finish reading the book.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.

The Big Book of Dumb White Husband

The Big Book of Dumb White Husband - Benjamin Wallace What did you like most about the book? The author's humour. Everything was served sunny side up and however cynical you are, you cannot get to the end of this and not laugh. Think of it as Dr.House meets Robin Williams.

What did you like least? Nothing. The formatting was perfect, the editing was polished and it was an easy, light read.

Did you like the way the book ended? The book is divided into shorter books so they each had a different ending, if that's what it can be called. I would prefer to think that this marked the end of one lesson or experience and then opened the door to another.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.

For Gods and For Men (Lifeblood Saga, #1)

For Gods and For Men (Lifeblood Saga, #1) - James R.  Johnson What were the main relationships explored in this book? Marcus - Priscus - Sedjet. The story explores all angles of Marcus' relationships with others as he goes about his quest of saving the world. I loved the dark feel of the book although the cover doesn't seem to relate to the story and I think a more appealing cover would do wonders for the story.

3 things I liked about the book … I loved the concept. The book description states it is epic written in a unique setting and time frame. This is definitely what you get from the story. The use of immortality and how Marcus deals with. Death scares many of us but immortality seems to bring its own set of problems as well. Lastly, I liked the ending. Although it is not open ended, it enables the reader to reflect on the story they have just read.

Favourite character(s) … Marcus, obviously. He starts off trying to find out more about himself but by the end realises that he has more strength and knowledge than he knows. Whether he is comfortable with this is a different story, but there's more than one story in this book and this is why I liked it.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.

The Hunter's Son (JC Mather, #1)

The Hunter's Son (JC Mather, #1) - B.E. Jewell What were the main relationships explored in this book? JC - James / JC - Abby / JC - Chuck / JC - Paris - James. The book is centred on JC's relationships with others and I think, as his life changes, he reflects on these relationships and realises which are more important than others.
3 things I liked about the book … It was about witches and slayers. It was well-written and absolutely entertaining. I can't wait for the next book in the series.
Favourite character(s) … Of course, JC was my favorite. The reader grows and feels with him. I love to know what inspired the author to portray JC the way he did.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.

Secrets: Guardian Trilogy

Secrets: Guardian Trilogy - Liz Schulte What were the main relationships explored in this book? Olivia - Juliet - Their friendship is easy to connect with which shows that the author has created some very lovable and realistical characters.
3 things I liked about the book … I liked the fantasy elements in this book. Liked playing good against evil. I liked that Holden had feeling.
Favourite character(s) … Olivia. Her life is enveloped with mystery and the reader is soon sucked into this.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.

Emma's Secret: A Novel

Emma's Secret: A Novel - Steena Holmes Do you find the characters convincing? The characters were convincing and believable. The story is told from different perspectives and as you understand how each character ticks, you feel like you know them and I LOVE when authors are able to do this.
How would the book have been different if it had taken place in a different time or place? I think the settings may be different and technological advances may cause minimal alterations to the story but the impact of losing a child - physically, mentally and emotionally - will be the same.
Would you recommend this book? To everyone I can. Steena's writing is so gripping, it's like watching a movie. And I really hope this book is made into a movie, it's one thing for these characters to come to life via my iPad but to see them on the big screen, I can't wait.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Spare Change

Spare Change - Bette Lee Crosby
What makes a minor character memorable? Emma is memborable to me. She attempted to right a wrong but was a little lost in the process.

Did the book end the way you expected? No, it did not end the way I expected it to, it was better.

List the five major events in the story in the correct order. Olivia moves out of her parents house. Olivia gets engaged to Herbert, She ends the engagement to Herbert. Olivia meets Charlie and get’s married, Charlie and Olivia honeymoon in Florida. Charlie dies while in Florida. Olivia travels back home. Ethan sees his dad kill his mother. Then he sees Scooter Cobb murder his father. Ethan hitchhikes to his grandfather's.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.
Death In Bagheria (A Serafina Florio Mystery, #3) - Susan Russo Anderson If your book was a mystery, what was the mystery and how it was solved. Murder was the mystery. Serafina solved the case. The journals of the baroness were the key

Did anyone in the book do something you did not like? The baron killing his wife and daughter.

What motivates a given character’s actions? Serafina wants to find out, who killed the baroness. Her actions are strong. She doesn't do anything unethical.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.
Secret Words (Secret Dreams Contemporary Romance 1) - Miranda P. Charles Find one word that describes a character in your book very well. I would describe Hannah as delusional. She refused to see things for what they were and wanted to blame everyone else for her relationship ending.

Compare two of the characters in this book. Jasmine and Hannah were opposites and I think that's why Kane chose Jasmine. Hannah was clingy and manipulative, she wanted Kane for the wrong reasons. Jasmine was willing to let him go just so he his career wouldn't be damaged.

What part would you change in the story? Nothing at all. This was an entertaining read, with good plot and character developments.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

The Book of Paul

The Book of Paul - Richard  Long Did you find this book a quick read? It was a quick and fun read that I will definitely recommend to anyone looking for a unique read.

What did you like about it? Almost everything, this was a well written book.

Were there any other especially interesting characters? William, still trying to figure out this character.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

The Sin of Forgiveness

The Sin of Forgiveness - Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr. Who will read? I think everyone should read this. It has a different outlook than I've ever heard before.

What author was trying to do? He wants to educate us. He wants to save us from ourselves.

Hope in the end? I don't know if there's a lot of hope. Our world is in a terrible shape. No prayer in school, 10 commandants removed, no discipline for the children. It's very scary.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

The Kings of Charleston (Volume 1)

The Kings of Charleston - Kat H. Clayton Consider the ending. Did you expect it or were you surprised? Just wasn't sure how it would end so yes the ending was a surprise to me and was a testament to the author's fantastic writing.

Favourite character(s) … It was a real mystery, kept me guessing. Fast read. Good believable characters.

If you were to talk with the author, what would you want to know? When will she release more books? Where there be a sequel to this book?

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Eyes Behind Belligerence

Eyes Behind Belligerence - K.P. Kollenborn Which did you find more appealing, the introduction or the conclusion? This story was told in different parts. Each had it's own underlying issues, relationships and stages of life. Makes it very difficult for me to pick just one section that I liked but if I had to choose it would be the ending. For me, there was no definite resolution but each character was able to grow emotionally and this was a big step for them.

Why would you recommend or not recommend this book? I think the editing could have been better. If a reader doesn't mind a few errors, then sure I'll recommend this book.

Did the book description relate to the story? Yes, the book description was accurate and what I especially liked was the beginning where the author indicates the names and pronounciations of each character.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Dissolution of Peace

Dissolution of Peace - Richard Flores IV List the characters and describe them. Christina - Youngest captain, tall thin, blond hair, hero.

Mike head of security - Handsome, strong, good friend, saved the captain's life over and over.

Roger - He was a traitor and a murderer. He escaped from Alcatraz. He worked with the Martians.

Janis - Worked security. Good trustworthy friend. Very good at her job.

What would the main character be likely to do if s/he visited? Talk about what it's like to live on a ship. I must say that reading these bits made me realise of all the things I had taken for granted.

Who was your favorite character? Mike was my favorite. He would make a great friend.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.